Dracut Old Home Day
Online Booth Vendor Registration
Question about a booth registration? Contact Lyndie Shaw at lyndie@dracutoldhomeday.com
Online Registration Through Saturday, August 24, 2024
Prices for vendor booth(s) are as follows:
Food Vendor - $125.00
Food Vendor with Electricity - $145.00
Individual/Business - $100.00
Individual/Business with Electricity - $120.00
Non-Profits/Groups - $50.00
Non-Profits/Groups with Electricity - $70.00
**A limited number of spaces with access to electricity are available
and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
Please note that you will be required to supply your own tables, tents, and chairs. Spaces are 12 ' X 12'. Event is held RAIN or SHINE.
No refunds will be given for non-attendance or cancellation.