Directions to The Englesby Elementary School
1580 Lakeview Avenue
Dracut, MA

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Take Rte. 495 North or Rte. 495 South to Exit 38. Follow Rte. 38 North towards Lowell. Remain on Rte. 38 for approximately 4 miles. Pass hospital on left, cross over river onto rotary. Take second exit off rotary, following sign for Rte. 38 North. Go down ramp to lights. Dunkin Donuts will be on your right. Go through lights and immediately bear right onto Lakeview Ave. Follow Lakeview Ave. approximately 2.5 miles to Dracut School Complex on left. Take second driveway into complex. The Englesby Elementary School will be on the right.
Follow Rte. 3 to Rte. 495 North to Exit 38 North towards Lowell.
Then follow directions as above from Exit 38 off Rte. 495.
Follow Rte.93 to Exit 46. Sign will say Lawrence/Dracut. Follow signs off ramp to Rte.110 West to Lowell. Follow Rte. 110 West approximately 10 miles until you come to lights at the intersection of Rte. 110 and Rte. 38. Dunkin Donuts will be on your right. Go through set of lights and immediately bear right onto Lakeview Ave. Follow Lakeview Ave. approximately 2.5 miles to Dracut School Complex. Englesby Elementary School will be on your right.